Friday, April 18, 2014

Welcome to my social blog!

Over the past few weeks, I have grown to understand and appreciate the positives of social blogging. I have also discovered several areas that can be very stressful if not used carefully. It can be stressful for both the blogger, and the reader.  I have attempted to show what I see as both positive and negative aspects/effects of social media. I have discussed the positives such as communication, information, and entertainment. I have also discussed some negatives such as addictions, disorders, and abuses. I trust my blog will be informative, and will assist you in a better understanding of social media.

A response to "A Reunion with Boredom" by Charles Simic

In “A Reunion with Boredom,” Charles Simic (2014, p. 375) says, “Being temporarily unable to use the technology we’ve grown dependent on to inform ourselves about the rest of the world, communicate with others, and pass the time, is a reminder of our alarming dependence on them.” In this essay, Charles Simic is referring back to the aftermath of Hurricane Irene that caused a power outage lasting three days. Simic remembers the boredom he felt having no television, and how there was no lights or water due to the hurricane. He also goes on to mention how reading books was the cure to escape boredom.
It’s really sad how overly dependent we have become with social media in today’s world. For instance today, when we have a power outage, people no longer panic. Instead, they run to their closest vehicle, and plug in their charger for fear of missing out on a text message or rumors off of Facebook. We could have the worst storm occur in our own city, and still have the best media apps to keep us occupied. Whoa be to us if we were to ever lose our social media outlets.


Response to Tanner's blog

I agree with Tanner’s blog where he stated, “I feel similar in that it has turned into an inconvenience to read books anymore. There are so many other ways to retain information or get a story in the world today that books have become less popular.”  While it’s easier for many to use the internet, I still believe books are where education began, and still needs to be reinforced. I am reminded of our class assignments that required research. It was easier to plug in letters on a keyboard than to actually read the books. After spending forty hours a week on a computer at work, I prefer reading material in my hands where I can flip through the pages. However, I must agree books are being replaced by social media.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Texting And Driving


Texting and driving continues to be one of the main causes of car accidents today. Our phones have programmed us with the bad habit of taking them out to check our e-mail, to look at Facebook, and to see who just texted us while sitting behind the wheel. In many places, texting is illegal while driving, due to the many accidents that have occurred. We must learn to avoid the temptation of texting , and driving.



Nearby Friends

Facebook is launching a new opt-in feature called “Nearby Friends.” This feature allows your friends to know when you’re close-by, and also has the ability to show your exact location on a map. The main key to using this feature is you have to show yourself visible on Nearby Friends in order to see your friends’ proximity. This feature also carries the same privacy settings as your News Feed, allowing you to choose who you want to see your updates and whereabouts. Soon, when the Cloak app gets on board with Facebook, you will also be able to pick the friends you choose to be anti-social with.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


We cannot deny that social media has taken over traditional media in the world today. While this technology has brought many advantages to our lives, it has also created difficulties. Social media anxiety disorder is when an individual allows social media to control their life, and it becomes more of an addiction that can become mentally problematic. Limited use of social media is helpful in avoiding this disorder.
Signs you might have Social Media Anxiety Disorder:
·         Leaving your phone at home, and leaving work to go get it.
·         Taking the phone to the bathroom with you.
·         Constantly checking the phone for new messages or missed calls.
·         Constantly checking to see how many likes you have on FB.
·         Having the phone next to you while you sleep.
·         Constantly checking for new “Tweets” and status updates.

Monday, April 14, 2014

"Is Google Making Us Stupid?" By Nicholas Carr

In Nicholas Carr’s essay, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?,” he claims that the internet is changing our way of thinking, and believes our minds are being influenced by advanced technologies. Carr claims that while enjoying the use of internet, he still struggles with staying focused on the books he reads. He also points out that he is not alone; his friends and acquaintances share the same struggles. He also mentions Scott Karp, a blogger who stopped reading books altogether because he felt the internet changed the way he was thinking. Carr also points to a five year study that suggested people on the internet were just skimming over articles, rarely returning to any of the sources previously viewed. He also pointed out how we are quicker to obey a clock, rather than listen to our own senses. Carr also mentioned how Friedrich Nietzsche’s style of writing changed once he started using a typewriter. In the end, Carr states his fear of us becoming “pancake people” spread wide and thin, due to all the information we have access to from the internet. Because of our dependence on computers, we are able to better our understanding of what’s going on in the world today, however, the more we rely on computers for our understanding, the more we run the risk of having our human understanding become artificial and mechanical.
On my Social Blog, I stated several similar points that Carr states in his essay. As he mentioned, social media is radically changing the thought patterns of people today. While it is readily available, there are several problems associated with its usage. Our own thinking has become molded by social media. Today, the vast majority of the world’s intelligence is a keystroke away. While this technology has been beneficial, it has also introduced us to new problems, such as cyber bullying, and game addictions. I believe social networking affects literally every area of our lives in one way or another.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The positive and negative effects of social networking

Tandoi, V. (n.d.). The Positive and Negative Effects of Social Networking. Retrieved 04 13, 2014, from

The topic of this article is about the positive and negative effects of social media. The writer provides examples of how these effects relate in social networking. Some of the positive effects of social media are; Social networking helps interaction with small businesses, marketers can post coupons to various Facebook groups, and promotions can be advertised on Twitter. While ebooks are becoming popular with the electronic devices, any one is able to create one and promote it online. The most common, negative effect of social media is addiction. Spending too much time at work on the internet can cause a loss of focus. Serious problems occur when social networking takes priority over sleep, family, and friends. Time spent on the internet needs to be limited. While social media is a great tool to use, we still need to be cautious of the negative effects mentioned above.


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Are games that addictive?

Smartphone gaming: An addictive craze. (2014, ). University Wire

Games for the smartphone continue to be an addiction craved by many worldwide. “Flappy Birds” and “Candy Crush” are well-known games that have come across on various social media websites. These games are created to reinforce addiction. Meaning, the more successful you are at winning, the more you continue to play. In this article, Dennis Junge, a psychology professor at John A. Logan, believes there’s a social and challenging aspect in game addictions. There are those who automatically want to play a game they see their friends playing, or they will continue to play a game as long as they have the lower score. Game apps will continue to be in demand to fulfill the craving until a new fad comes along.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Cloak: The new Anti-social app

Anti-social networking app helps you avoid friends you don't like. (2014,). University Wire

While social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are well-known for bringing friends and families closer together, Cloak is the new anti-social app created to do the exact opposite. Cloak allows you to avoid the friends and family you don’t want to see. The app displays the current location of you and your friends that have checked in close-by. You can set up Cloak with adjustable user settings once you decide the distance you want to keep. You can also flag a user, which means the app will alert you when that user is within two miles. Currently, this app only works with your Foursquare or Facebook login. The developers are continuously working to connect this app with more familiar social media sites.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cyber Bullying

Hilt, R. J. (2013). Cyber bullying: What's a parent to do? Pediatric Annals, 42(12), 481. doi:10.3928/00904481-20131122-03

Cyber bullying can be defined as tormenting, harassing or humiliating another person through social media. Most individuals know who their attacker is. Cyber bullies are known for pretending to be their victim while talking to another person online, posting a picture of their victim online without permission to do so, and telling lies about their victim online. Unfortunately, most bullies think their pranks are just a joke, not considering the victims feelings. The reported occurrence of cyber bullying today is significant among teens. In this article, Robert Hilt brings about awareness as to the dangers of ignoring notable personality changes along with seclusion from the family unit. Parents should continue to monitor their child’s online media usage. Children can also help by keeping a log to document each time they are harassed in the event the police need to be contacted. Any type of bullying should never be swept under the rug.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Vine-The popular social media app

Vine from TwitterDo it for the vine: Social media could lead to money and fame. (2013). University Wire

This article describes Vine as another popular free app for the smart phone that has taken over the social media network. This app is used to create short video clips that last up to six seconds. These videos come from people of all ages. Many present themselves as comedians, while some express themselves with their musical talents, and then there are those that do it just for fun. The article mentioned that some popular companies have paid to use some of these videos for their advertisements ranging anywhere from $1,000.00 -$10,000.00. Vine will continue to collect and share these videos worldwide, expressing their broad range of talents until the next popular app spirals.